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I still can’t believe it. We found out 3 days ago and I’m still pinching myself.
We are having a girl!!!
She looked so perfect on the ultrasound. We saw her little legs kicking, her heart pumping… it all made my heart melt.
This pregnancy has been much different for me emotionally than with Aidalyn. With Aidalyn, we were just so excited about adding this mystical thing called a baby into our lives. Neither of us really had much experience with babies. We didn’t know what we were getting into, but we were thrilled!
We knew that PMD was a possibly and “tried” for a girl through supplements and timing of sex. I, at the time, did a lot less “research” in the idea of swaying and we just basically did what the first thing I found said to do. We obviously prayed and prayed and prayed for months (and years before hand!). To our surprise, we were blessed with Aidalyn – and what a blessing she has been to us!
I always wanted more than one child and absolutely LOVED pregnancy (albeit after about 17 weeks) and labor was amazing. I didn’t want to miss out on the chance to try once more. We talked about just adopting and probably still will in a few years, but God really led us to try naturally.
Again, prayers and prayers led us on our journey. I dove back into the swaying sites and found some really interesting studies. The current world wide sex ratio at birth is 107 boys to 100 girls. The only time this ever shifts where more girls are conceived is in times of famine and “bad” times. Also, having lower sperm reaching the egg resulted in more girls being born. Our plan was to change my diet to lower my protein and fat basically to a “tough time” situation and to reduce the amount of sperm through various means. I was also having very irregular cycles and took Clomid one cycle (the month I got pregnant). Some believe that Clomid can change a woman’s chemistry to be more likely to have a girl. I lost weight before we moved, but I don’t really think I lost anything when we were in temporary housing in the 8 weeks or so before I got pregnant.
We started trying to get pregnant in May – so it took us from May until September. A lot of that time it took to get pregnant (I feel) was because we were trying to reduce sperm so much that it was just not going to happen and because my cycles were forever long!
But it finally happened!
We found out we were pregnant in October and then comes the wait… the longest wait ever it seems!
You know that God is going to be with you through whatever happens – boy or girl, healthy or not. The prayers and tears continued. Like I said, this pregnancy has been so much more emotional… for whatever reason. Stupid hormones!
Thursday, January 3rd finally came! I was so worried that the baby would have their legs crossed or that we wouldn’t be able to get a good shot. All day I prayed and prayed that we would know – boy or girl – by the end of the day. As soon as the ultrasound was live, Adam and I could instantly tell it was a girl before the tech had to say anything. We were both silent, just staring… We were feeling relieved and excited, but we were eerily calm.
As soon as we walked outside of the doctor’s office, Adam yelled “It’s a girl!!!!!”
God hears our prayers!
I feel like God has answered all our prayers, and has given us such a special gift. We have truly won the lottery!
I’m pleased to say that Annaleigh Parker is on her way!
She is measuring a week ahead, so it looks like I have another big baby on the way (Aidalyn was 9 lbs at birth). Time to get in shape to be able to push this baby out!
Thank you all for your prayers and support! We are so humbled by God’s love he has shown to us. Annaleigh’s name means favored grace and that is exactly what I feel has been given to us.
Update: I have now had Two Successful Sways for Girls.
Here is my E-Book How to Sway for a Girl $5
Loved reading this and love you!
Thank you!
congratulations – very happy for you!
Thank you Leslie! I know swaying is the most stressful thing to go through. You question every bite in your mouth and every action. This sway I used gender dreaming’s LE diet as my guide. I know they have a lot of information on there saying that timing isn’t that important (if you want to read some articles to ease your mind). Hang in there & try to relax. Stress does nothing to help a sway.
Oh I totally did all the questioning the whole time before we had confirmation. Are you waiting until the birth to find out the gender?
Interesting. Do u believe God still hears your prayers and answers you regardless of swaying? Our mighty God can do anything, He doesnt need our help. I have 2 gorgeous boys and wld love a girl next. We swayed for 8 months without a bfp. I clearly heard God tell me to let go of the sway and trust him. Last month i half let go of the sway and got a bfn. Still wasnt trusting god and his power. This month i let go so i could let God. I ate red meat and potatoes and chocolate on the day of ov to show God and myself that i trust him and him alone and not man. He knows the desires of our heart without us having to step in! Im in the 2ww. Its been an awesome god journey!
Of course he does!! and Good for you for letting go. I totally wouldn’t wish swaying on anyone. it is totally stressful to diet and think about different factors. I relaxed a lot the month i got pregnant. My husband and I did a lot of praying before reaching our decision to try to sway. Obviously we didn’t sway just to have a certain gender, it was due to the very real risk of having a child with a severe medical handicap. We are both ‘scientist’ and know that God is above and more powerful than anything here on earth. Saying that, having knowledge of swaying, why would I knowing do something opposite – I know God doesn’t need my help and I also knew that despite swaying efforts if we were to have a baby with PMD we would. I believe the only reason we are having a girl is because of God’s gift to us. I wish you the best on your journey!
We are now doing ivf in our second round. Clearly trusting God to provide was an issue for me, and now i would be grateful for any baby. I have learnt soooo much and on my christian infertility forums were theres girls with no child or recurrent stillbirths and miscarriages i was embarressed to tell my sway story. But they loved me despite it and are journying ivf with me and praying for a baby. Any baby.
I pray you have a successful IVF!
[…] concerned that she may have a genetic disease that I passed on called Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease. We didn’t know if she was a boy or girl – and we prayed and prayed that she would be a healthy […]
I am very happy for you!! I don’t like calling them “failed sways” because I believe they were meant to be and wouldn’t trade them for the world, but I was original on ingender before I moved to gender dreaming, I have literally done it all and have 7 boys, I do believe in God and have poured my heart to Him that if I was meant to have another boy then throw in a sister for twins lol, it’s hard because I don’t regret my boys and if I could do my life all over again I would still want all 7 of my boys back, it’s a HUGE blessing to be able to have both genders, give me joy to see other people’s prayers being answered
Thank you so much my friend!
I did end up with my 3rd being a boy and thankfully he is healthy! You are right that prayers are being answered!