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What you need to have for your home birth kit in 20 items! Prepare for your home birth by collection this home birth kit.

How to Build a Home Birth Kit in 20 Items
I have been blessed to be able to have 2 home births now. You can read my two birth stories by clicking here: Annaleigh’s Birth and Aidalyn’s Birth.
Both experiences were amazing and there is very little I would change about either. I was fortunate to have 2 amazing midwives attend my births and felt very prepared for when the time came.
My first home birth was in 2010 (Aidalyn’s). I was able to have her in my master bathroom’s garden corner tub. It was easy clean up and a really a great experience. For Annaleigh’s birth we were in a rent house, so my midwife brought a large tub for me to use to birth in. It was even better because the water was able to be deeper. I wasn’t in the tub for more than 10 minutes though because she came so fast.
Births are pretty amazing experiences. In a low risk birth, you really don’t need much. You really could have your baby in a car and you would be fine (This totally happened to a friend of mine a few months ago!)
However, I like to be prepared and I love lists!
This is my list of the essentials you need to have for a home birth:
1) Disposable Underpads – You want about 25 of these disposable bed pads. You can labor on these, birth on these, and use them post partum to keep your bed clean and safe too. These are a good size too. They are large and tuckable under your mattress.
2) Bulb Syringe Aspirator – to clear baby’s nasal passage after birth
3) Hydrogen Peroxide Antiseptic Solution – For cleaning up afterwards and for baby’s cord care. You’ll be amazed at how easy hydrogen peroxide cleans.
4) Pain medication: Ibuprofen Tablets and Non-Aspirin Acetaminophen – I alternated the two every 4 hours.
5) Lavette Bottle – Perineal Irrigation Bottle – This is perfect for postpartum
6) Frost Vinyl Shower Liner – These are perfect for laying on floor and covering furniture. We also used them under the tub.
7) 2-3 sets of sheets – We used these to make a bed on the floor next to the tub and also covered the couch with the shower liner and sheets.
8) Love your Labor Birthing Oil – Aromatherapy to help relax and make for an easier labor
9) Post Partum herbal sitz bath – I had a bath immediately following both births and I really think it sped up the healing process.
10) Always Extra Heavy Overnight Maxi Pads with Flexi-Wings – You know why… and you want all sort of varying types of absorbency as you get lighter and lighter flows.
11) Baby needs – 3-6 Onsies, a few hats, swaddling blankets 3-6
12) Towels (10) and wash cloths (6)
13) Music – we used my iPod for one birth and Pandora on the Roku 1 Streaming Player for the second.
14) Comfortable clothes for mama – layers. You may get cold in labor and really hot too. You will want to be able to shed the clothes quickly if you need to. You will want to have a nursing bra or tank for post partum. I lived in Pajamas for a week after Aidalyn’s birth.
15) Something to drink for energy. I personally love drinking Greens for that natural energy from all the fruits and vegetables. You can mix it into some juice if you want some extra calories. Natural energy drinks and flexible straws! You can even make your own energy drink!
16) Something to eat. I ate power bars… You could eat some peanut butter or pudding. You want it to be easy to eat just in case you do get sick and need to vomit.
17) Q-tips Cotton Swabs – for cleaning and caring for umbilical cord.
18) Camera and Batteries – Adam had to leave me after my water broke to go to Walmart because I forgot my battery at my house. So, Always remember camera PLUS Battery.
19) Lansinoh HPA Lanolin for Breastfeeding Mothers – For breastfeeding you can’t go wrong with this for keep your nipples happy.
20) Postpartum Belly Wrap:
Breathable Elastic Postpartum Postnatal Support Girdle Belt
The Cinch Postpartum Signature Cinch Combo Wrap Back Support Hip Shaper (This is what I used after Aidalyn)
Breathable Elastic Abdominal Binder Waist Trimmer
Squeem “Perfect Waist” Firm Compression Waist Cincher Shapewear (This is what I wore after Annaleigh)
My midwifes always brought all their supplies like gloves and such. So I didn’t ever have to buy that.
Home births are an amazing experience for moms and dads. Always check with your husband to see what he wants during the birth too.
I hope this list helps you prepare for your future births!
What is your must have items on your home birth kit list?

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P.S. If you know a mom or friend who would be interested in learning more about natural birth or having a home birth, help me spread the word.
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