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When I was expecting my 3rd baby, I wanted to know what were the Must Have Baby Products because I didn’t want to buy anything that I didn’t need. Here is my list of 13 Top Baby Products.

If you are new around here… I just had my 3rd baby 6 months ago!
There is a little bit of a gap between my middle child and my now baby (5.5 years!) so I sort of felt like a new mom again this go around.
It was really hard for me to remember what I actually needed for a baby… not what I was “supposed” to buy… but what I was ACTUALLY going to use.
So that’s why I’m coming here… 6 months into this baby mama thing… sharing what I’m actually using and what you really should have on your registry.

Rocking Chair
I have a baby who doesn’t like to sleep… he honestly just wants to be held all day long… so I ended up buying a rocking chair for his nursery and it is now living in my bedroom because that’s where I am from about 8 at night until midnight most nights.
I am loving these cuddle memories we are making… and one thing I will not forget is holding him and rocking him. Get a comfortable rocking chair.

Baby Bath
You will need to wash your baby… and safety first, right?
Get a good bathtub.
I really like this one because it grows with your baby. Once they can sit up, you can use your regular tub… but you’ll save water and energy by washing them in a small tub for as long as you can.
Burp Rags & Bibs
So many burp rags… you can never have enough I have come to that conclusion. I have my favorites… but really have some that you really enjoy looking at and folding because you will be washing them a lot.
I like the ones that are super absorbent and have an extra terrycloth layer.
Baby Clothes
How many baby clothes?? Well, I can tell you that I was conservative and I still think I have too many at times, Haha!
Don’t buy too many newborn sizes… my babies only can wear them a few weeks, but they can wear the 0-3 months for a good bit longer!
Pick a few outfits that you LOVE and honestly shop at consignment stores. Most of the baby clothes are in great condition because no one ever gets a chance to wear them out.
You’ll want some sleepers (I would say about 6-10), some outfits (12 pants + onesies).
If you are nursing, I would get some great nursing bras for yourself. These are what I have and I really like how comfortable they are!
So many swaddlers…
Anything to help your baby sleep through the night is a winner in my opinion.
We have used the Woombie and I think it is my favorite because you just zip them up and they are all snug inside.
High Chair
We didn’t get a high chair until Anderson was about 4 months old, but I just love having him sit at the table with us at meal time. He isn’t eating solids yet, but we are ready for him to join us for that time too.
I love how convertible this one is and can really work on so many levels for your baby’s needs.
I didn’t have one of these with my girls, but I love it more than the Bumbo (what I had with them). It has a place to attach toys to, and he loves that.
I feel like he is more comfortable sitting it in while I’m cooking or moving around and can’t hold him. Because of all of that, He’ll sit and play in it for a while!
I think he has done the best in it since he turned 5 months though.
Newborn to Toddler Rocker
This is by far the most used chair I have though! Just because we started using it when he was a newborn and still today he will sit in it at least once and play with the toys.
It vibrates, so he has snoozed in it before too – which means it has to be comfortable!
Since it goes all the way up to toddler, I think we will be using this one for a while!
Pack N Play
In full disclosure… Anderson is sleeping in his pack-n-play most of the time because it is still in our room.
What is so great is that we can easily move him around (or take it on a vacation if we need!)
When my oldest was about 18 months old, we moved and she slept in a pack in play for a few months before we found a new house in Virginia… so this is one thing you can use for many many years!
Boppy Pillow
If you are nursing this is such a great help when the baby is tiny! We also love to use it for “tummy time” or just to prop the baby up for when you are reading a book or just playtime.
Really a must have!
One pro tip is get a waterproof cover to go with it : )
Chicco Car Seat & Stroller
This is BY far my favorite travel set I’ve ever owned. I love the stroller – We use it so much for just walking in our neighborhood. But also going into stores and around town.
Lil’ Crittters Musical Glow Gym
This is Anderson’s favorite activity mat we own! It was a Christmas present and he uses it DAILY! I can put him down and he just lights up. He loves the lights, the music, and the toys that he can play with.
Plus, the music is fun and not super repetitive so you won’t get sick of all the playtime with it either lol (which is really something to consider!)
I’m not kidding when I say… this baby loves his BEE!
His eyes turn bright when he sees his bee and both arms reach out to grab it… of course the next move is that it goes RIGHT in his mouth…
but that’s okay! Because it is a TEETHER!
So cute, so easy for him to hold. Your baby will LOVE IT!
If you look around my house… these are certainly the MOST used baby items and what I know every baby would love.
What items are on your must have baby list?