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Pros and Cons to Carrying Low in Pregnancy
Pro: No kicks in my ribs (ouch)
Con: More aches in my hips
Pro: I can breathe!
Con: I have to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes
Con: Pants don’t fit right.
Pro: Who needs pants anyways
Did you carry your babies low or high?
Aidy was always high.
I just thought Annaleigh was low.
Anderson was ALWAYYYYS a low rider
This picture was taken when I was in labor with Anderson.
Excuse the messy bathroom, haha

Nearing my third trimester last year, my hips started to give me grief as my belly was growing and putting more pressure down below.
But thankfully I learned some stretches that can help your hips loosen up and stay flexible which will lead to more comfort during pregnancy and an easier delivery too!
Watch the Video for the Four Stretches During Pregnancy
Staying fit and flexible is just ONE tip I learned to help me have natural childbirths and have two successful homebirths too,
I have been getting a lot of questions about tips and how I even decided that having a homebirth was right for me, so I put together this ebook to help answer all your burning questions – and hopefully help you have the labor you desire (however you choose!)

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