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So many people are searching for ways to work from home or earn extra income on the side… but do they really have the skills it takes to be successful?
Here are five different skills we have seen in those who are able to build a successful income from home:

Five Skills You Must Have to Work from Home
You have to be self motivated to work from home. No one is going to be watching to see if you are getting your work done (or watching Netflix all day)
I see a lot of people struggling with this because they are used to having a job with a boss and deadlines…
But when you work for yourself – You are the boss!
Which is one thing I personally love because I don’t like someone else telling me what to do and when to work…
But if you aren’t self directed and need that person telling you what to do every day – this may not be the best fit for you.
Focused on the Long Term
Working from home can be really tough if you have a lot of plates you are trying to keep spinning.
For me that’s keeping three kids fed and alive, having a happy marriage, staying healthy…
All these responsibilities come with short term distractions.
When you work from home, it is so easy to lose your day in the minute to minute crisis that may arise so at the end of the day you don’t really have anything to show for the work you’ve done.
One thing that has helped me is to have a daily plan of activities that MUST happen every single day. I call it my “Busy Mom Guide” because it keeps me on track even when my life is crazy busy.
Goal Oriented
I would say that if you are planning to work from home, you must be able to set goals for yourself.
If you fail to plan then you plan to fail.
Read how to set smart goals here.
One thing I have learned over the past 5 years of working from home is that it isn’t the sprinter who wins but the marathon runner.
It isn’t going to the gym for 5 hours one day that gets you results, but going to the gym 5 days a week for one hour.
Your success is found in your daily habit.
Read how consistency can help you be more successful.

When you work from home, there will be no two days that look exactly alike.
That’s actually one thing that I get excited about!
One day I may focus on making videos, the next I may focus on writing blog posts, the next may be a massive focus on following up.
One day I may work all morning and take off the evening… the next I may work all night and sleep in the next day.
Seriously… I couldn’t ask for a better job! But again… this sort of flexibility isn’t for everyone.
You have to be flexible… but also consistent… but also focused and motivated, haha!
Working from home isn’t perfect, but it is better : )