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Sometimes it is hard to focus on the positive during a crisis that feels out of control. With these tips you can keep your mindset on what matters.
New on The Family Hustle, We are going to answer some listener questions about how to stay positive when so much negativity is being shared on the news and social media.
How to Stay Positive During a Crisis
Mindset Challenge:
1) Focus on what you are grateful for. Write down 6 things you are grateful for TODAY!
2) Make a list of 50 reasons someone should either become a customer or a distributor on your team
(Examples: They become a healthier mom and example for their kids. They find their confidence. They earn enough to pay their credit cards or a bill. They are able to find purpose.)
3) Write a story post for your wall… Sharing 3 of the things you are grateful for today and what you are looking forward to in the month of April (and why this is SO important!)
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How to Build a Business using your Personal Results
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