
Best Montessori Toys and Play Kits

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As we navigate the exciting journey of parenthood, we’re always on the lookout for ways to enrich our little ones’ lives and foster their development. Today, we’re going to explore a tool that can do just that – Montessori toys and play kits.

Rooted in the Montessori philosophy of encouraging independent and exploratory learning, these kits and toys are designed to engage your child’s curiosity, stimulate their senses, and promote their cognitive, physical, and emotional growth. Whether you’re new to the Montessori world or a seasoned pro, join us as we delve into the benefits of these wonderful educational tools and how they can transform your child’s playtime into a rich learning experience.

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Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

What is Montessori?

As we strive to provide the best for our little ones, we often come across different educational philosophies and methods. One that stands out and has gained popularity over the years is the Montessori Method. But what exactly is Montessori? Let’s dive in and explore this child-centered approach to education.

The Montessori Method, named after its founder Dr. Maria Montessori, is an educational philosophy that emphasizes independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological, physical, and social development. It’s not just a method of teaching, but a way of understanding and aiding the natural process of child development.

Here are some key principles of the Montessori Method:

1. Child-Centered Learning:

In Montessori, the focus is on the child’s learning, not on the teacher’s teaching. Each child is seen as an individual and encouraged to learn at their own pace in a supportive and non-competitive environment.

2. Hands-On Learning:

Montessori education emphasizes learning through all five senses, not just through listening, watching, or reading. Children in Montessori classrooms learn by doing and experimenting, which makes learning fun and engaging.

3. Prepared Environment:

Montessori classrooms are carefully designed to encourage exploration and independence. Everything in the room is within the child’s reach and is size-appropriate, promoting a sense of ownership and responsibility.

4. Freedom within Limits:

While children are given the freedom to choose their activities and work at their own pace, this freedom comes with boundaries and responsibilities, fostering self-discipline and respect for others.

5. Mixed Age Groups:

Montessori classrooms often have children of different ages grouped together. This encourages peer learning, fosters a sense of community, and allows children to learn from and help each other.

Incorporating Montessori principles at home can be a wonderful way to support your child’s natural desire to learn. From setting up a child-friendly space to choosing Montessori toys and activities, there are many ways to bring Montessori into your home. Remember, the goal of Montessori is to foster a child’s love of learning, independence, and self-confidence. As moms, isn’t that what we all want for our children? Stay tuned as we explore more about Montessori toys and how they can benefit your child’s development.

The Best Montessori educational toys
The Best Montessori educational toys

Montessori Educational Toys

As we continue our journey into the world of Montessori, let’s explore some examples of Montessori educational toys. These toys, designed with the Montessori principles in mind, are a fantastic way to support your child’s natural curiosity and love of learning.

1. Stacking and Nesting Toys:

These toys are great for developing fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and understanding of size and spatial relationships. They also introduce the concept of cause and effect. Examples include wooden stacking rings or nesting bowls.

2. Sorting and Matching Games:

These activities help children develop their problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and understanding of patterns and categories. Look for color sorting games, shape matching puzzles, or object pairing cards.

3. Practical Life Materials:

Montessori emphasizes real-life skills, so toys that mimic everyday activities are a big hit. This could include a child-sized broom and dustpan, a pouring activity set, or a dressing frame to practice buttoning and tying.

4. Sensorial Materials:

These toys engage the senses and help children refine their perception and understanding of the world. Examples include texture matching boards, sound cylinders, or color tablets.

5. Language Materials:

To support language development, Montessori toys often focus on phonetic awareness and vocabulary building. Sandpaper letters, movable alphabets, and picture cards are great tools for this.

6. Math Materials:

Montessori math materials are designed to make abstract concepts concrete and understandable. Bead chains, number rods, or spindle boxes are some examples.

7. Nature and Science Materials:

Encouraging a child’s curiosity about the natural world is a key part of Montessori. Consider a child-sized magnifying glass, a set of animal figurines, or a botany puzzle.

Remember, the goal of Montessori toys is not to entertain, but to engage. They are designed to be simple and purposeful, encouraging children to explore, experiment, and learn at their own pace. So next time you’re shopping for toys, consider adding some Montessori educational toys to your cart. They’re not just toys, but tools for learning and development.

Are Montessori Toys Better?

As we navigate the world of toys and playtime, a question often arises – are Montessori toys really better? The answer, like many things in parenting, depends on your child and your family’s values.

Montessori toys, with their simplicity, purposefulness, and focus on encouraging independent exploration, certainly have unique benefits. They are designed to stimulate your child’s curiosity, foster their cognitive and motor skills, and promote a sense of independence and self-confidence. Unlike many mainstream toys, Montessori toys are not about passive entertainment but active engagement. They encourage children to explore, experiment, and learn at their own pace.

However, it’s important to remember that every child is unique and what works best for one may not work as well for another. The key is to observe your child, understand their interests and developmental needs, and provide a variety of play opportunities that support their growth and learning. So, while Montessori toys can be a fantastic addition to your child’s playtime, they are just one of many tools you can use to enrich your child’s learning experience.

Montessori Toys & Play Kits for 3 Year Olds

When I first started looking at Montessori principles and toys that would support that, my son was about 2 almost 3. He was developmentally delayed, so I could look at some toys gears to younger ages. That’s when I found Lovevery Montessori Inspired Play Kits.

I was really impressed with the quality of the Lovevery Toys. Most of the toys for preschoolers were wooden Montessori toys, so I knew they would last the test of playtime. I can attest that after we have had most of these toys in our toy rotation for 2-3 years, they are very high quality and will last for years!

This was our very first play kit from Lovevery: The Companion Play Kit

Videos of Montessori Play Kits for 1 and 2 Year Olds

I’m going to share several different videos of these different Montessori Play Kit for 2 year olds so you can see the toys in action and have a better understanding of how they can benefit your family. Since my son was developmentally delayed, we started with some younger play kits and worked up to the ones that were older. I love that each kit taught new skills based on development, so they were perfect for supporting his growth!

The Babbler Play Kit By Lovevery

The Adventure Play Kit By Lovevery


Thank you @Lovevery for sending me this gift! Play Kits give your child more than toys, it help build their confidence. Plus – no wrapping necessary! #toddlerplaytime #toddlerplayideas #toddlertoysforchristmas #preschoollearning #preschoolplay

♬ Jingle Bell EDM Christmas Snow(910545) – The Structures

The Helper Play Kit By Lovevery

Videos of Montessori Play Kits and Toys for 3 Year Olds

The Problem Solver Play Kit by Lovevery


I love partnering with @lovevery and sharing their passion to make educational toys that create the opportunity for problem solving and Hands-on learning. #loveverygift #lovevery #motessoriplay

♬ Happy (Positive Uplifting And Energetic Ukulele Background Music) – TrendingMusic

Montessori Toys & Play Kits for 4 Year Olds

After we had ordered basically all the play kits that were appropriate for my son, I was a little sad because I knew that we wouldn’t have any more play kits for him to grow with. Then, Lovevery announced they were adding Montessori Play Kits for 4 Year old and a music play kit too! I was so excited and couldn’t wait to try all of these new play kits made for 4 year olds like my son.

Watch Videos of Montessori Toys & Play Kits for 4 Year Olds

The Persister Play Kit by Lovevery


Now you can #growwithlovevery even longer! They just released play kits for 4 YEAR OLDS! GrowWithLovevery, LoveveryGift, @Lovevery #loveverypartner

♬ Kids & Toys – FASSounds

The Connector Play Kit by Lovevery

The Planner Play Kit by Lovevery


#loveverypartner These NEW 4 year old playkits from @Lovevery are my favorites! #loveverygift #loveverymoment

♬ Time for Cooking – Vin Music

The Music Play Kit By Lovevery


Our whole famiky loves this new Music Kit from @Lovevery! It is great for all ages to learn and explore different instruments 🎶 #loveverypartner #loveverygift #loveverytoys #loveverymelody

♬ original sound – Angela | Grassfed Mama

More Benefits of Montessori Toys and Play Kits

Let’s explore some of the unique benefits of Montessori toys, including the concepts of toy rotation, pretend play, and executive functioning. Montessori toys, with their simplicity and purposefulness, lend themselves beautifully to a toy rotation system. This means regularly swapping out toys to keep your child’s interest piqued and their learning experiences varied. This not only keeps playtime fresh and exciting but also helps children develop focus and appreciation for each toy.

Pretend play is another wonderful aspect of Montessori toys. Many of these toys are replicas of real-life objects, encouraging children to engage in imaginative play and understand the world around them. This fosters creativity, social skills, and problem-solving abilities.

Lastly, Montessori toys are excellent tools for developing executive functioning skills – the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. By encouraging self-directed, active learning, these toys help children develop skills like task initiation, sustained attention, and goal-directed persistence. So, Montessori toys are not just about play, they’re about equipping our little ones with essential life skills.

Practicing Pretend Play:

Benefits of Toy Rotation:


We love our Play Kits from @lovevery to follow a toy rotation. Thank you Lovevery for gifting us these toys! #loveverygift #loveveryplaykits #loveverytoys #toyrotation

♬ I Wanna Know You – BLVKSHP

Toys that Teach Executive Function:


We love this new playmit from @Lovevery! It is helping us work on our executive function skills 💪🏻 #loveverygift #loveverymoment #playskills #preschoolplay

♬ Playful (Ukulele, Holiday, Piano, Upbeat, Positive, Childrens) – Full – gmaulidana

As we conclude our exploration of Montessori educational toys and play kits, we hope you’ve found this post inspiring and helpful. These toys, with their focus on simplicity, purpose, and active engagement, offer a unique approach to play and learning. They’re not just toys, but tools that can stimulate your child’s curiosity, foster their skills, and instill a love of learning.

Remember, every child is unique, and the best toys are the ones that meet your child’s developmental needs and interests. Whether you choose to incorporate Montessori toys into your child’s playtime or use them as a springboard for your own creative play ideas, the goal is the same – to provide enriching, enjoyable, and educational play experiences for your little ones. Here’s to many hours of fun and learning with your children. Happy playing, moms!

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