
7 Ways to Help a New Mom

It is a special time for a new mom following the birth of a child.

So many emotions are going through a new mom’s head: I’m not pregnant any more! This is the cutest baby I’ve ever seen! Will I get my waist back? I’m already exhausted! Will I ever sleep through the night again? Are they breathing? Am I doing this right? They are so tiny! Oww I need a Tylenol… And this is just in the first 5 minutes!

Everyone wants to help a new mom out, but sometimes we forget what they need the most. Moms need to relax and recover for at least 2 weeks following birth. Having a baby is no easy task for a mom’s body to go through. If they push themselves too soon, they could hemorrhage or develop mastitis. read more

How to keep Growing in Life

How to keep growing in life

How to keep growing and to have life among the growing.

Life Among the Growing…. What does that actually mean to me?

This phrase really speaks to me deeply in several ways.

First, I think about how I want to be continually growing into a better person with each day and opportunity I get. If you aren’t moving forward, you are moving backwards. If you aren’t growing, you are dying. 

This is in my personal life as a wife and mom. In my spiritual life, I want to continually study and grow in God’s words. read more

30 Ways to Serve Your Spouse Today

acts of service, 5 love languages, serve your spouse, show your spouse you love them

30 Ways to Serve Your Spouse

Serving your spouse should be one of your top priorities in your marriage. God has entrusted you to be the person to show your spouse love on a daily basis. Serving your spouse doesn’t mean you are a slave or a doormat. Jesus talks about serving each other as a way to show love each other and follow his commands. 

Mark 10:43-45 English Standard Version

43 But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,[d] 44 and whoever would be first among you must be slave[e] of all. 45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” read more

Introductions: Meet Angela of Grassfed Mama

“Who is Angela of Grassfed Mama?” you may be asking. Let me start this introduction to this blog so you can learn more about who I am and where the Grassfed Mama blog all started.

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

Who is Angela of Grassfed Mama

Good Sunday morning! This is my attempt to get my thoughts out of my mind and document life as I see it. Sunday is a good day to start. I grew up in a Christian home where most Sunday mornings were spent at church, unless we were puking our guts out or had a fever over 104.1, haha. My parents believed that Christianity was more than just going to church and it really was a part of their everyday life. Thankfully they have passed their passion and love for God onto their 3 children: myself (the baby), my sister (the oldest) and my brother (stuck in the middle). read more