
20 Proven Ways to Save $100 TODAY!

How much impact does $100 make in your budget? Here are 20 Proven Ways to Save $100 TODAY!

For many people I speak to who want to start their own business or begin some other new project, finding a small amount of start up capital is a stumbling block! Before I started my own business, a $100 was a BIG amount in my head – so I totally get it!

I spent some time talking with other business leaders and friends who came up with creative ways to get that first $100, and here they are for you! I hope you find them helpful! read more

5 Tips to Lose Belly Fat

Here are 5 Tips to lose belly fat if you want to target your results and start losing weight.

ditch your sugar cravings
ditch your sugar cravings

All of us carry our weight differently.

I know that for me, I tend to gain weight below my waist first… but then slowly my waistline starts expanding too.

When I was pregnant… I developed diastasis recti (a gap between the abdomen muscles), I was limited to the exercises I could do to flatten my stomach. Then, with my second pregnancy my diastsis got worse… ouch!

I was beginning to lose my self confidence. My clothes didn’t fit exactly right. I didn’t feel like myself at all. read more

How to Cover Scratches on Wood

Today I’m sharing and easy way to How to Cover Scratches on Wood. We bought a new home and the office was decorated in lots of wood. With this easy process, it made a huge difference.

We just moved into our dream house!!! It has been taking up a lot of our time getting everything as we want (and I’m sure it is going to take a year!)

I call it our dream house, because when we sat down and wrote everything we would ever want in our house… this house had it! Which I never imagined we would actually live in!! read more

How to Protect Wood Tables

I’m sharing this easy tip you can use to protect you wood tables when they get lots of wear and tear with an active family.

I’m not sure if you have seen, but we have had a very crazy year so far!

My nephew passed away unexpectedly and it really put a lot of things in perspective. We decided that we weren’t going to put off a lot of things we had been throwing around and one of those was moving closer to our family. We worked from home, so we had the ability to move anywhere.

We started by selling almost everything we had in our house in Virginia. We went through everything and if we didn’t love it… we weren’t going to move it. read more

How I Blog

I get lots of questions about blogging from readers and friends. So I thought I would highlight some of the services I’m using to blog and help me make Grassfed Mama happen.

1) WordPress

I love using WordPress. I find it pretty easy to use with plug ins. I needed a little help initially figuring out how to write and publish posts. Adam, my husband, got me started with using WordPress. I was using the WordPress free site initially. Adam was able to transfer everything over to this self hosted version.

2) Dreamhost

Dreamhost is a great hosting company. I haven’t had any issues with service with them. read more

Why you Should Travel with Young Kids

Adam and I love to travel! In our first five years of marriage, we had traveled to New York, Hong Kong, Paris, Rome, San Antonio, Atlanta, New Orleans… we LOVED every minute of it!

travel with kids

(I was actually pregnant when we were in Paris)

So when we became parents… we had to decide should we still travel??? (or could we???) 

We didn’t have a lot of vacation days to work with, and we didn’t have a lot of disposable income either. But it really was something that we wanted to do more of and experience with our girls, it was a question of how we could do that.

The “how” turned out to be starting our own home based business that we could run from anywhere. Our business gave us the financial and time freedom to be able to travel like we always desired. read more

How to Reach Your Goals

Top Glucomannan Recipes


Top Glucomannan Recipes

Are you tired of sacrificing your health and waistline for quick and easy meals? Well, we’ve got a game-changer for you: Glucomannan! This natural, low-carb ingredient is the secret to guilt-free indulgence in your favorite dishes. Whether you’re following a keto diet or just looking for healthier options, we’ve got you covered with delicious Glucomannan recipes that will satisfy your cravings without derailing your goals. Get ready to enjoy all your favorite comfort foods without the guilt – let’s dive into the world of low-carb cooking with Glucomannan! read more

DIY Detoxing Facial Mask

DIY Detoxing Facial Mask

DIY Detoxing Facial Mask

This detoxing facial mask uses natural ingredients to pull out the impurities from your skin leaving you clean.

Why make your own facial mask?

Going to the spa is expensive. You don’t have to waste your time and money when you can make a simple mixture at home.

You can even throw a Spa Party with your friends and make your own at home spa treatments. It would be a fun way to visit with each other and save money.

This facial mask would be a deep cleaning detox. You probably would want to test it on a small spot before applying to your entire face just in case you may have a reaction. Also this is a pretty deep cleaning detox, I would only do it once a week or every other week. read more

Is your pH making you Fat?

Is your pH making you fat

Is Your body’s pH making You Fat?


Most people learned about pH in school. The difference between acids and bases can be shown on  Ph Test Strips (affiliate link). It was fun to discover where certain liquids would fall on the scale. What most people don’t learn is how important pH is to your health. Did you know your pH could be making if more difficult to lose weight?

The optimal pH level is between 7.2-7.4. “pH (potential of hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 14—the lower the pH the more acidic the solution, the higher the pH the more alkaline (or base) the solution. When a solution is neither acid nor alkaline it has a pH of 7 which is neutral.” (Natural Health School)

Symptoms of poor pH balance

From the Center for Advanced Health:  read more