
How to Prepare for Natural Childbirth

How to earn extra money from your phone

If you are an expecting mama who is considering having a natural labor… this is the resource I wished I had when I was planning my first home birth.

There is so much information out there on the internet, it is easy to get confused who to listen to for advice or what resources are actually going to help me prepare and achieve a natural childbirth. That’s why I put together this e-book.

How to Prepare for Natural Childbirth

How to Plan and Prepare for The Natural Labor you have been Dreaming About!


 – Prepare your body and mind for natural childbirth 

– Find the best support team 

– Understand benefits and misconceptions of natural childbirth 

– Discover if a Home Birth is right for you  

Plus: Checklists, Exercises, & Best Practices!     read more

Keto and Low Carb “Made in a Bag” ICE CREAM

This is an easy and simple recipe where you can make keto friendly and low carb made in a bag ice cream.


This past week in our science homeschool class we made ice cream in a bag and learned about heat transfer and changing matter.

Aidy said “I wish it was chocolate!!”

So I told her we would make it chocolate at home AND without sugar too. This is keto friendly and low carb ice cream.  

Keto Friendly Ice Cream in a Bag

Low Carb Made in a Bag ICE CREAM

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Course Dessert


  • 1 cup of whole milk
  • 1 cup of half and half
  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon of stevia blend cup for cup sugar replacement

For the Bag

  • Two plastic bags.
  • Ice.
  • Rock Salt


  • Put all ice cream ingredients in first bag and remove as much air as possible.
  • Place inside second bag with ice and rock salt.
  • Shake bag for 15 minutes (we took turns!)
  • Enjoy!!!


1 cup of whole milk
1 cup of half and half
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder read more

Is Your Child Old Enough to Babysit? 7 Signs to Watch For

Is Your Child Old Enough to Babysit? 7 Signs to Watch For

Babysitting is a great first job for many. It can also be a great responsibility for a child who has younger siblings. How do you know when your child is old enough to begin babysitting? Here are seven things to consider.

#1. What is your state’s law?

Whether you think your child is ready or not, every state has a law for a minimum age in which children can be left home alone, or in the care of other children. Look into your state’s laws before you continue on.

#2. Does Your Child Follow Directions? read more

5 Tips for Indoor Container Gardening

Have you thought about easy ways to start growing you own food or herbs. Enter in tips to start container gardening! It is an easy way to get started without too much worry of weeds and critters eating your bounty.

Here are five great tips for indoor container gardening:

  • Have proper drainage – It’s very important that you have nice, big holes in your pots for proper drainage. If not, the soil will not drain well and the roots of your plants will die.
  • Feed them properly – Most potting soil itself does not have nutrients in it. You will need to add fertilizer and food to your plants regularly. How much and what type you should use varies according to the plant so do a little research on the plants you have so you can care for them properly.
  • Know how much light you need – You don’t want to leave plants that prefer low light in the windowsill while you’re gone all day for work but you don’t want to kill plants by keeping them in the dark too much. You need to have an accurate idea of how much sunlight you need and then choose where to place your containers accordingly. Many people move their containers around according to light needs.
  • Choose good partners in mixed container gardens – If you’re going to put different plants together in the same container, make sure they have complementary needs for food, sunlight, and water or some will thrive and some will die.
  • Go wild with the soil – The more potting soil you have, the better. This means more water retention, giving you a greater margin for error when it comes to watering and feeding. The less soil, the faster it will dry out.

With these tips in mind, you can begin indoor container gardening today. Do you have any tips you’d add to the list?

Whether you want to grow a garden to provide herbs and food for your family or simply to enjoy, we have a gardening category in the Skill Trek curriculum that will allow your young people to learn the skills they need to know for success. read more

6 Steps to Keep Your Child Safe Online

In our world these days, parents have different concerns than parents of the past. It is more important than ever to keep your child safe online. Today I’m sharing 6 steps you can start:

6 Steps to Keep Your Child Safe Online
6 Steps to Keep Your Child Safe Online

Here are six steps to keep your child safe online:

Talk to your child.

It’s important for your child to know the benefits and risk of the world wide web. They should know that they should never talk to strangers online, add people who they don’t know on their social media accounts, and that they should never meet someone from the Internet without discussing it with you beforehand. read more

How to Cut a Watermelon For Kids

My kids love eating watermelon during the summer months. As you can imagine, watermelons can be messy. With this tip you can cut a watermelon for kids and reduce the mess and clean up too!

I don’t know about you… but when I think of summer I think of


Fruit is such a healthy choice for kids. When they are hot, watermelon helps them stay hydrated because it is mostly made of water… They never turn it down… Plus, it is in season!

The biggest problem I have with watermelon is that it is. read more

Two Healthy Halloween Treats

Here are two very healthy Halloween treats you can make throughout the month of October.

Can I be honest… Halloween isn’t my favorite. 
Because all I am hearing lately is…

“Can I have a piece of candy?” 
“Can I have a piece of candy?” 
“Can I have a piece of candy?”


I usually can avoid this battle altogether… but during Halloween…


Besides the obvious… SUGAR IS MY NEMESIS. 


It really can be detrimental to our health (and our kid’s health too!) read more

How Having a Natural Birth Prepared Me For Starting My Own Business

Any mom will tell you how going through pregnancy and the birth process changed them. Read more about How Having a Natural Birth Prepared Me For Starting My Own Business.

Natural Birth & Starting a Business…

Those two aren’t often seen as going hand in hand… right?

But when I had my first baby… something changed inside me

Going through that process taught me some lessons that prepared me for when I started working from home a few years later.


If you are interested in learning more about having a natural labor and birth experience,
check out my latest E-Book!
read more

How to Prepare for Natural Childbirth: Is a Home Birth Right for Me?

Have you ever thought about having a natural birth… but you were a little intimidated or weren’t really sure how to prepare? You may be asking yourself “is a homebirth is right for me?” Today, I’m sharing some of the Benefits of a Natural Birth and why I chose to have a home birth. 

Is a Home Birth Right for Me?

  When people learn that I have had both of my babies without medication (and am currently planning my third home birth), I usually get a few different reactions…   “Wow! That must of hurt!” “I could never do that!” “How did you do that?”   The thing is… I’m really not that special… I’m not some super woman with an insane amount of pain tolerance. I am just a mom looking for another way to experience childbirth.   If you are thinking about having a more natural experience… or maybe even a home birth! but you have questions and just want a mom’s perspective…     This premium E-book is for you!    

>> Grab Your E-Book Today <<

Watch the 5 Reasons to Have a Home Birth


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Red, White, and Blueberry Low-Carb “Cheesecake” Dessert

This Red, White, and Blueberry Low-Carb “Cheesecake” Dessert is perfect for your 4th of July celebrations for a keto and low carb treat.

If you are in the U.S., I hope you and your family have had a wonderful 4th of July! We celebrated and had a lot of fun shooting fireworks and enjoying our friends and neighbors (and we slept in a bit this morning!)

I decided to try something new I had been thinking over yesterday and I was so pleased with how it turned out!

What is great is that it uses low carb berries for a really great natural sweetener. This recipe is pretty versatile because you can use any berries you love and mix them up! read more