
3 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

3 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally


Most people would love to have a white and brighter smile. There are countless products at the pharmacy that guarantee a brighter smile in just a few weeks. Dentist are offering teeth whitening services and plans. Are there natural methods you can use at home to safely whiten your teeth and improve your dental health? Obviously brushing and flossing daily is a great start to a good dental hygiene regimen.

*** Always check with your doctor before changing your diet or lifestyle dramatically.


Here are 3 ways to whiten your teeth naturally and improve your smile that you may not know about:


Oil Pulling

I shared previously about how I started adding oil pulling into my daily routine of natural oral care. Oil pulling is a way to rid your mouth of bacteria and other toxins by using the natural properties of coconut oil to pull them out of your gums and crevices. This cleaning method can improve your over all gum health, decrease bad breath, and keep your teeth white. read more

Moss and Magnolia Jewelry Giveaway

necklace, metal necklace,  hand crafted jewelry

Moss and Magnolia Jewelry Giveaway

I have the pleasure of bringing you this beautifully crafted giveaway today from Tricia at Moss and Magnolia. Tricia is a very talented individual. She makes these beautiful pieces of jewelry from her home. Tricia lives in Louisiana where she is a mom of  three beautiful kids. She is passionate about natural parenting. She is one of the four leaders for her local La Leche chapter which supports and encourages moms who are breastfeeding.   Tricia stays busy home schooling her four kids.  She is also active and severs at her local church. 

One thing I really love about Moss and Magnolia is how everything can be customized down to each detail. When I was pregnant with Annaleigh, my family was 1000 miles away. Her pregnancy was really hard (and the end was especially hard when we were out of our house for 8 weeks due to water damage). I wanted something to give to my family, so that they would remember to say a prayer for us as we got closer to delivery (boy did we need it). 

I called Tricia to make me custom bracelets with “Favored Grace” stamped on them. “Favored Grace” is the meaning of Annaleigh. It was the perfect reminder for my family to keep us in their prayers. I was able to pick out the size and color of the bracelets. They were perfect. Tricia even made Aidalyn a special “Big Sister” bracelet just for her. 

If you have any idea or jewelry creation in mind, I’m sure Tricia will be able to help you fashion your favorite custom piece. Here are some examples of my favorite pieces of hers. 

Moss Jewelry Collage

Our Giveaway today is the Hammered Copper Bird Pendant with added pearls (valued at $25) to be customized by winner. You can add a pearl for each of your children or family members. 

necklace, metal necklace,  hand crafted jewelry


a Rafflecopter giveaway