Technology is amazing. You can check your mail, take a picture, call a friend and get all your Christmas shopping done in the palm of your hand.
I am totally an online shopping addict.
I don’t like lines, I also don’t enjoy crowds… and getting both girls to the store by myself is a real treat (read sarcasm).
I am a huge fan of shopping on my phone. I buy things for my pantry, clothes, gifts, shoes, diapers… all online!
Here are a few of my most used shopping apps:
1) Amazon
Hi, my name is Angela and I am addicted to shopping on Amazon.
I am a prime member so I get free 2 day shipping. Plus, I use subscribe and save any chance I get to save 20% on items I buy on a recurring basis. I buy toilet paper, diapers, wipes, flour, vitamins, coconut oil, batteries, dish soap, shampoo, tooth paste… If I can buy it on amazon… and save 20% – I will do it! Given that, we may have 5 tubes of toothpaste in our bathroom drawer at this moment… but I did save 20% on them!
2) Retail me not
This app allows you to search for discount codes and coupons. You can use these coupons online usually and save easy money. What I will do is search for a store in their database and see if there is a current coupon code. This works great for popular stores like shutterfly and oldnavy.
3) Jo-Ann and Hobby Lobby
Both of these apps will show you the deals of the week and store your coupons for you. You wouldn’t want to miss Hobby Lobby’s 40% coupon just because you didn’t have a paper coupon printed off.
4) Cartwheel
Cartwheel is Target’s app for coupons and sales. You can search the app for what’s on sale and easily use the coupons directly from your phone at check out. Adam and I did this a few weeks ago and got 20% off shoes for Aidalyn and myself.
5) Ebay
Ebay is an online garage sale. I use ebay’s app for searching for hard to find toys and used items like clothes. We all love ebay! I bought Aidalyn some cheap DVD’s and also some princess crowns.
6) Etsy
Etsy is an artisan’s shopping mall. I use Etsy’s app for handmade items and personalized items. I also like searching on there for ideas that I can copy and make myself.
7) Groupon
We all love a good deal. Groupon is a way to get huge discounts on restaurants and spas. Using the app allows you to have the Groupon handy and keep track of what Groupons you have available when you are trying to figure out what you want for dinner. We currently have a pizza deal in our Groupon account we need to use.
8) Zulily and Totsy
Both these online stores are discount flash sale type of shopping. They have items up for sale for a limited time and have a limited supply. When you purchase something you only have to pay shipping once then you get free shipping the rest of the day on the rest of your orders. Sometimes shipping seems kind of slow, but I have gotten some great deals on clothes and books from these stores.
9) ShopStyle
The ShopStyle App is the mobile version of ShopStyle searches the web for you, compiling basically anything you could ever buy online. You can customize a search for a specific product by color, price, if it’s on sale… It’s Amazing! Looking for a red sweater for a Christmas Party? You can narrow it down to only looking at Red Sweaters from all over the internet in one place! This is a must for a mobile shopper!
And one extra!
10) Paypal
With all this online shopping I do, I use Paypal to keep everything organized and safe. Having the app on your phone allows you to manage your transactions easily.
Online shopping is a great way to save time and money. What are your favorite online shopping apps? read more