
26 Keto Friendly Road Trip Snacks: Delicious and Convenient Options for Low-Carb Traveling

One of the biggest struggles to eating healthy is continuing a keto and low carb diet when traveling. Now, it is even easier to stay healthy when you are on the road and traveling with this list of 26 different Keto Friendly Road Trip Snacks.

ditch your sugar cravings
ditch your sugar cravings

We all know that it is WAY easier to stick to our healthy eating when we are home… but what about when we are traveling or on the road?

What are some snacks to keep handy when you aren’t at home that makes it easier to stay in fat burning mode (ketosis) and not ruin all the progress you have made. Keeping your car stocked with Keto Friendly Road Trip Snacks can help when you can’t find healthy options on the road or when you just don’t want to stop to eat. read more

8 Stress Free Tips for Traveling with Kids

I have travelling many times with my two young kids over the past few years, so I have a learned a few stress free tips for traveling with kids. I’m sharing my best tips in this post!

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

We love to travel!! My youngest took her first plane ride when she was only 6 weeks old (I know, crazy!!) When you love to travel… you learn a few tips along the way.

My girls have been to Vancouver, Washington DC twice, Disney World a few times, Philadelphia, and many other places. We truly believe that you should travel with young kids. Most families have to travel some during the holidays, even if it is just a few hours to a near by town, I know these tips will come in handy to help you have a Stress Free time Traveling with kids.  read more

Why you Should Travel with Young Kids

Adam and I love to travel! In our first five years of marriage, we had traveled to New York, Hong Kong, Paris, Rome, San Antonio, Atlanta, New Orleans… we LOVED every minute of it!

travel with kids

(I was actually pregnant when we were in Paris)

So when we became parents… we had to decide should we still travel??? (or could we???) 

We didn’t have a lot of vacation days to work with, and we didn’t have a lot of disposable income either. But it really was something that we wanted to do more of and experience with our girls, it was a question of how we could do that.

The “how” turned out to be starting our own home based business that we could run from anywhere. Our business gave us the financial and time freedom to be able to travel like we always desired. read more