
Low Fat, Low Sugar Oatmeal Apple Cookies

sugar free snacks, sugar free cookie recipes, sugar free oatmeal cookies, breakfast cookies,

Low Fat Low Sugar Oatmeal Apple Cookies

I am really loving having a toddler who loves to cook. We have really enjoyed getting in the kitchen together and experimenting with fun recipes. When she helps cook something, she is also more motivated to try it.

I found this recipe for Apple Breakfast Cookies from Melomeals and they seemed like the perfect afternoon snack for Aidalyn and me to make together. These are full of nutrients and low on sugar, so they are the perfect snack. I also loved that these contain a good amount of fiber. Sometimes toddlers are prone to constipation and this would be an easy treat to give them when they need help getting things moving along. read more

Homemade Dark Chocolate

I love dark chocolate!

I’m talking about that love that you just can’t go a week without… or a day even!

When that craving hits, you don’t want to be reaching for a candy bar.

Commercial chocolate is full of ingredients that are not healthy for you, even though chocolate itself is actually pretty healthy.

Commercial chocolate has processed sugar in it… not good for stable blood sugars or for weight loss.

Dark chocolate is a good source of Magnesium and antioxidants. More on Magnesium here and a magnesium oil recipe.  read more

Glucomannan: The New Weight Loss Secret?

glucommanan the new weight loss secret

Glucomannan: The New Weight Loss Secret?

Glucomannan is becoming my favorite new cooking addition

I had never heard of glucomannan before reading Trim Healthy Mama. Since adding it to our pantry, I can’t believe this is such a secret! It has many health benefits too, so if you haven’t tried glucomannan yet – let this be your sign.

What is Glucomannan?

Glucomannan is a supplement that is made from the roots of the konjac plant. It has been used in Japan for centuries and is knows as the “broom of the intestines.” Can you use glucomannan for weight loss?

It is basically a thickener. It absorbs liquids without changing the flavor and without needing to be heated. It is able to turn 1 cup of liquid into a thick pudding with only using a teaspoon. This also fills you up and keeps you full longer, which can benefit people trying to lose weight. Glucomannan is fiber, so it helps keep you regular too! read more

Trim and Healthy Asian Lettuce Wraps

Trim and Healthy Asian Lettuce Wraps

Trim and Healthy Asian Lettuce Wraps

I fell in love with lettuce wraps not to long ago… and I am hooked. We had them first at Cheesecake Factory. They were chicken and mushroom lettuce wraps and they were amazing! I was hooked from the first bite. I knew I would need to figure out a way to make these at home, because I couldn’t afford to go to Cheesecake Factory as often as I would want to eat these Asian lettuce wraps.

Asian Lettuce Wraps

Since opening my world to lettuce wraps, I have a love for all things wrapped in lettuce. I know that if you haven’t tried them yet, you may not think they could be that wonderful… but just wait til you try these!!! I am going to be working on Mexican Lettuce Wraps, Peanut Sauce Lettuce Wraps, and Cheeseburger lettuce wraps. read more

How to Eat Out on a Diet

When you are planning eat out, here are tips and what to order to help you stay on track even at restaurants. Read how to eat out on a diet.

ditch your sugar cravings
ditch your sugar cravings



Healthy lifestyles are easy to follow when you are at home. You are in control of all the ingredients when you are cooking. You know exactly how many teaspoons of butter you put on your sweet potato. But we live in a real world where we need to know how to eat healthy even when we are not at home.


The good news is that it can be easier than you think!


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8 Top Sugar Free Pancake Recipes

For a family who loves brunch, but doesn’t love all the typical carbs in brunch recipes. Here are the Top 8 Sugar Free Pancake Recipes your whole family will love!

Starting your day the right way is the key to feeling your best all day long! With these sugar free pancake recipes you can enjoy your favorite comforting breakfast food without the sugar or guilt!

ditch your sugar cravings
ditch your sugar cravings

8 Sugar Free & Healthy Pancake recipes

Pancakes bring up so many warm and fuzzy feelings inside me. They just scream Saturday mornings with the family. Traditional pancake recipes are full of carbs and sugar (with fat too!). All these together do not help a mama stay healthy.  read more

Why You Should Eat Butter

For many years, I thought that eating butter and extra fat was “bad” or at least unhealthy. Thankfully, I understand more about eating healthy and making better food choices. Today we are going to talk more about why you should eat butter and how it is actually good for you!

Steps to a Healthier You

I have shared easy steps you can start today towards a happier and healthier body. We have already covered drinking more water each day and cutting out the sugar. Now we are going to focus on adding something back in – healthy fats! read more

King Cake in a Mug: Low Carb Dessert

This Low Carb King Cake in a Mug recipe is a fun way to get your favorite flavors of a delicious king cake in a one serving mug cake – also without the sugar! So let’s get in the kitchen and bake this yummy treat!

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

 King Cake in a Mug with Cream Cheese Topping

I may live in Richmond, Va now, but I am born and raised a Louisiana girl. On top of being raised in Louisiana, I have a birthday that falls during Mardi Gras. It became a tradition for me to have a King Cake for my birthday cake for several years until I moved last year. Then my mom, hearing my laments of not being able to get a King Cake in Richmond, mailed me a King Cake from Louisiana… Let’s just say I shared… but I didn’t.   read more

Why Grain Free? Part 2

There are many reasons people choose to go grain free. In this post, we answer some top questions about making the change to grain free diet.

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

Why Grain Free? Part 2: Harmful Effect of Grains

Earlier I shared why we went grain free for a while. You can read that post here

It took a lot of research for me to even consider this… I loved my carbs and bread and pasta… so why did we choose to go grain free?

Is there research about going grain free?

First, I learned about phytates that are part of the grain. This is mother natures way of “protecting” the grain so it would pass through the stool and then germinate once “deposited.” These phytates bind to other nutrients (like magnesium) in your foods and aren’t digested or absorbed.  read more

A Trim and Healthy Birthday Party

healthy birthday treats, kid party food ideas, healthy party foods for kids, kid food ideas,

This Trim Healthy Mama is Throwing a Birthday Party!

My oldest daughter is turning 3 this December! I can’t believe how fast she is growing. This year we are having a small party at our house with some friends to celebrate her special day.

Birthday Parties can be a scary place for a Trim Healthy Mama. All the temptations and unhealthy foods that normally come to a party are not good for your waistline!

This is the perfect solution! A Trim and Healthy Birthday Party! read more