
Keto Cream Cheese Frosting

This Keto Cream Cheese Frosting is perfect for piping on your favorite keto cupcakes, brownies, or cookies! We even enjoyed it with fruit.

Who says you can’t have your frosting and eat it too?

Yesterday was my husband Adam & My sister Aleecia’s Birthdays!! So, of course there HAS to be F͙R͙O͙S͙T͙I͙N͙G͙ 

This recipe is so simple to mix up! Plus you probably already have the ingredients. If you need help stocking your fridge, pick up my Free Keto Grocery List!
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12 Top Keto Dessert Recipes

“Angela, I really need to lose weight and eat less sugar, but I need delicious Keto Dessert Recipes to help me stay on track when my sugar cravings hit!”

Wouldn’t it be a lot easier to lose weight and get results you love if you didn’t have to give up your favorite desserts?

Top Keto Dessert Recipes
Top Keto Dessert Recipes

We are Angela and Adam!

We help families finally break free from their sugar addiction with simple and easy to do tips and recipes.

I wasn’t the healthiest eater growing up… because of my blood sugar problem – I would always crash (and get really sick) when I ate lots of carbs… read more

9 Tips to Lose Weight as a Busy Mom

Hey there, busy mamas! Are you tired of feeling like you’re juggling a million things and neglecting your own health and wellness? Well, it’s time to lose weight and take charge of your body and your life. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing 9 tips to lose weight as a busy mom. From incorporating Grassfed Mama’s delicious keto and low carb recipes into your meal plans to adopting healthy habits like whole foods and clean eating, these tips will help you prioritize your health without sacrificing your precious time. So, let’s dive in and start this weight loss journey together! read more

Keto Brownie Bites

Keto Brownie Bites are the perfect snack to have handy when you are following a keto diet but have a sweet tooth.

When your chocolate cravings hit… this is one simple and easy recipe you can whip up with a lot of common ingredients you already have in your pantry!

Grab my Keto Grocery List

Keto Brownie Batter Bites
Keto Brownie Batter Bites

If you don’t have almond butter, you can use almost any “nut butter.” We eat more almond butter in our house, but this recipe is really flexible!

Keto Brownie Batter Bites

Keto Brownie Batter Bites

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Course Dessert


  • 3/4 cup Almond Butter
  • 3 Tbsp cocoa powder
  • Pinch salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 Tbsp stevia
  • 1 Tbsp coconut flour
  • 1/2 cup sugar free mini chocolate chips


  • Mix together nut butter (can heat to make easier to mix) and vanilla extract until smooth.
  • Add in cocoa powder, salt, sweetener and coconut flour, mix until dough-like.
  • Mix in chocolate chips.
  • Refrigerate for 20-30 minutes, so the batter becomes easier to roll into balls.
  • Enjoy!!!
  • Optional: Mix up extra 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder, 1 tsp of stevia, and 1 tablespoon of almond flour to roll the Brownie Bites in.

Keto Brownie Batter Bites 


3/4 cup Almond Butter
3 Tbsp cocoa powder
Pinch salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 Tbsp stevia
1 Tbsp coconut flour
1/2 cup sugar free mini chocolate chips read more

Why am I Gaining Weight while Breastfeeding?

So many new moms end up asking themselves “Why am I Gaining Weight while Breastfeeding?” Learn why some women gain weight and tips so you can start losing.

Why am I Gaining Weight while Breastfeeding?
Why am I Gaining Weight while Breastfeeding?

Every one’s body works differently…

So you may have heard from one of your friends – “Oh the weight will just melt off if you are breastfeeding”

Or “I could eat anything and lose weight while nursing!”

But what if that’s not happening for you?

Here are Reasons You are Struggling to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding


Your body goes through crazy changes when you are pregnant and they don’t stop if you are nursing. read more

The Nursing Mamas Meal Plan for Losing Weight

The Nursing Mamas Meal Plan for Losing Weight helps you know what to eat to stay healthy and also lose weight without losing your milk supply.

It is normal to gain weight during pregnancy.

But while I was pregnant and happily (or not so happily, lol) gaining weight every week… when I would have the monthly weight in with my midwife, I was always thinking…

What’s my plan to lose all this weight after the baby comes?

It was so hard emotionally and physically to gain the weight during pregnancy. Of course I knew that it was healthy and needed to grow a healthy baby and have a healthy pregnancy… but it was not easy to see my backside, thighs, and face expand along with my belly. read more

26 Keto Friendly Road Trip Snacks: Delicious and Convenient Options for Low-Carb Traveling

One of the biggest struggles to eating healthy is continuing a keto and low carb diet when traveling. Now, it is even easier to stay healthy when you are on the road and traveling with this list of 26 different Keto Friendly Road Trip Snacks.

ditch your sugar cravings
ditch your sugar cravings

We all know that it is WAY easier to stick to our healthy eating when we are home… but what about when we are traveling or on the road?

What are some snacks to keep handy when you aren’t at home that makes it easier to stay in fat burning mode (ketosis) and not ruin all the progress you have made. Keeping your car stocked with Keto Friendly Road Trip Snacks can help when you can’t find healthy options on the road or when you just don’t want to stop to eat. read more

Keto Grocery List

Ready to gear up for a keto and low carb shopping experience like no other? Your keto grocery list isn’t just a piece of paper; it’s your secret weapon for a week filled with delicious, health-conscious foods picked out specifically to help you fill your pantry. Let’s get healthy together!

Have you ever thought “I want to start eating low carb {or even keto} but when I go to the grocery store… I don’t even know what to buy?!?!” 

I remember that feeling. I was 7 months pregnant with my first baby and I had just discovered that I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. My midwife told me that I needed to start eating low carb, and honestly I didn’t even know where to start! read more

Healthy Cravings Swap Guide

This Healthy Cravings Swap Guide is my guide to help you identify your cravings and understand what you can eat instead to satisfy your cravings.

“I can’t help it! I crave it all the time!”

Sometimes there is a constant struggle going on inside of us… we want to eat healthy… we want to give our bodies what it needs – but we have cravings. 

Could our cravings actually be telling us something?

I’ve learned that cravings usually don’t come out of nowhere… there is something your body is trying to tell you. read more

Keto Cookie Dough Fat Bombs

These Keto Cookie Dough Fat Bombs are one of my favorite ways in get in healthy fats and fuel my body without sugar.

When you are trying to eat keto or low carb… making sure that you are eating healthy fat throughout the day is SO important.

One of the MOST COMMON MISTAKES when eating low carb or keto is not eating enough fat.

We have been making this recipe every week because it makes it easy to add in extra fat without the extra carbs – which keeps you in fat burning mode and staying full longer too! read more