DAY TWO Four Ways to Make Drinking Water a HABIT!
This week we are focusing on water, and today we are focusing on that HABITS necessary to stop drinking our calories and drink more WATER! If you missed Day One, Check it out here!Pro Tip: If you want to make a habit, you need to be consistent for at least 21 days! Our FIT SUMMER CHALLENGE will set you up for success!!
Okay so how do you make drinking water a habit?
Because yesterday we learned WHY we need to drink enough water every day…
4 Tips to Make Drinking Water a Habit
Always carry it with you
Just having a water bottle within reach makes it WAY more likely that you will drink water throughout the day. So a habit would be to throw a water bottle in your purse, have it in the car, on your desk – then there is no excuse!
Sip water before your meals and snacks
Hunger cues and thirst cues are so similar to our bodies… it can sometimes get confused! So a great tip is to ALWAYS drink a cup of water before you eat any snack or meal.
This will help make sure you are satisfying your thirst – and make sure you are getting all the water in you need each day too.