
DIY Meal Replacement Shakes like “Pediasure®”

DIY Meal Replacement Shakes like “Pediasure®”

Have you ever had a time when feeding your child was a struggle? As a speech therapist, part of my job was diagnosing, evaluating and treating swallowing disorders and difficulties.

Many times doctors will recommend to give children Pediasure® when they are refusing to eat or need supplemental nutrition.

Have you ever thought about the ingredients in meal replacement shakes?

Read more on a Whole New Mom  about a DIY Meal Replacement Shake like Pediasure®

This post has been linked up to Let’s Get Real Friday  and Gluten Free Fridays and Healing with Food Fridays read more

Low Carb Cheese Stuffed Muffins

Low Carb Cheese stuffed muffins

Low Carb Cheese Stuffed “Cornbread” Muffins

When I’m eating soup, I want some sort of bread to go along with it. I love a piece of grain free cornbread to sop up all the flavors. This is a really fun Grain free and low carb muffin because it is stuffed with cheese.

This low carb cheese stuffed muffin goes really well with Tomato soup. When I think of tomato soup, I immediately think of a grilled cheese sandwich. This is an easy grain free substitution to go along with your soup.

My daughter loves cheese sticks. She thought it was such a fun baking trick to cut the mozzarella into one inch pieces and stick them in the muffin batter. read more

10 Top Sugar Free Cookies

ditch your sugar cravings
ditch your sugar cravings

When I first started eating low carb, the first thing I started searching for was sugar free cookies that I could enjoy without breaking my healthy diet. Thankfully, with a few simple healthy swaps, you can enjoy cookies on any low carb and keto lifestyle plan. These are some of my favorite cookie recipes that I know you will love too!

the best sugar free cookies
the best sugar free cookies

10 Top Sugar Free Cookies


I love cookies. Going on a diet for health reasons or to lose weight is hard when you are tempted by your favorite unhealthy foods. Eating sugar free doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy another dessert or really tasty treat. These sugar free cookie recipes will open your eyes to the wonderful world that sugar free baking can bring. read more

7 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism Naturally

Understanding your metabolism is crucial for understanding your overall health. It can either be fast and efficient or slow and sluggish. Your daily choices and habits play a significant role in determining the speed of your metabolism. Keep reading to learn my 7 ways to speed up your metabolism naturally.

7 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism Naturally

Previously, I’ve shared how your metabolism can be slowed down by your actions and how you eat. Thankfully, your metabolism can also be revved up by some simple changes. In this blog post, I’m going to share 7 ways to speed up your metabolism naturally. read more

Vitamix Giveaway March 4th-14th

Enter to Win a Vitamix! Giveaway

Here is your chance to Win a Vitamix!


Spring is right around the corner and it’s already beginning to be gorgeous outside. A new season can be a time to start fresh, re-evaluate your dreams and goals, and get on the right track… again. It’s the perfect time to renew the vision of your health journey and get set for greatness.

We want to help! Anything we can do to make your whole family, real-food journey easier and smoother, we are all about it. We want you to be able to make healthy meals and snacks to feed to your family in the most efficient way… and what better way to do that but with a Vitamix.  read more

Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Peanut Clusters

ditch your sugar cravings
ditch your sugar cravings


Homemade sugar free Dark Chocolate Peanut Clusters can be easy to make at home. I started making my own sugar free candy a few month ago when I realized how much sugar was in even the dark chocolate candy bars. I love chocolate and wanted a way to enjoy it without all the sugar.


Why should you make homemade candy?

1) Cheaper

Good quality sugar free candy is expensive!

2) Quick and easy dessert

Dessert can be ready in less than 20 minutes!

3) Healthy

Using coconut oil and stevia, these candies are actually quite healthy for you… so no guilt if you happen to eat the whole batch in one sitting (not me of course, cough) read more

Frozen? Signs of a Slow Metabolism

When I started learning more about natural ways to boost my metabolism, I learned there are actually signs of a slow metabolism! It is good to know if you have a healthy metabolism or not by knowing these signs:

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.


Are you always Freezing? What’s Your Metabolism Telling You?

I used to be cold All.The.Time. My hands and feet would be freezing and ice to the touch. I would have to carry a sweater around with me even in the summer because I couldn’t tolerate the cold in restaurants. This is not a healthy sign. What’s your metabolism telling you?

What is your metabolism?

Your metabolism is your inner fuel burner. It is a pretty smart mechanism that will adjust based on how much it needs to burn or if it needs to reserve energy.  When you are eating the right about of calories and nutrients, your metabolism will be a fire house. However, if you start to reduce your calories or eat low nutrient foods, your metabolism will dial back and slow down. Think about a bear going into hibernation. The bear’s metabolism slows way down to conserve all the energy to make it through the winter. We don’t want to be a bear in hibernation. read more

How to Establish a Bedtime Routine

How to Establish a Bedtime Routine

How to Establish a Bedtime Routine

We are creatures of habit. We like to be able to predict what is coming next. Babies are no different. When they are learning about the world around them, it gives them security when they can predict and know that an action follows another action.

Routines are great for babies and kids alike. You will have less tantrums from your toddler and preschooler if you stick to a routine. The minute you change things up on them, expect some protest in the form of a tantrum.

Kids in general don’t like to be surprised. That’s why they like the same book or movie over and over. They are learning language and they are learning to be able to predict what is coming next. They find security in being able to know and predict.  

Routines are very important at bedtime. This is a time that you are going to leave them alone and they need to know they are safe and secure. How would you feel if you were dropped off and had no idea when your ride was going to pick you up?

Letting your child fall asleep knowing that this is normal and that you will come and get them will help them fall asleep in a safe state. 

Establishing a bedtime routine 

When should you establish a bedtime routine? As soon as you are able to! Babies are learning from the moment they are born.

If you plan to do a bath time before bed, start it early on. Think about what steps you want to include in your routine. Is it able to be followed away from home? How long does it take to complete the routine?

Aidalyn had a solid bedtime routine in place by 6-8 weeks. We would swaddle her, give her a pacifier, her lovey (Charlie) and turn on her sound machine. She was sleeping through the night in her crib by 8 weeks. This child loves routine though. She never would adapt well when we weren’t at home.

Here is the sound machine we use:

Aidalyn is now 3 and her

bedtime and nap routines have developed to meet her needs. read more

3 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

3 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally


Most people would love to have a white and brighter smile. There are countless products at the pharmacy that guarantee a brighter smile in just a few weeks. Dentist are offering teeth whitening services and plans. Are there natural methods you can use at home to safely whiten your teeth and improve your dental health? Obviously brushing and flossing daily is a great start to a good dental hygiene regimen.

*** Always check with your doctor before changing your diet or lifestyle dramatically.


Here are 3 ways to whiten your teeth naturally and improve your smile that you may not know about:


Oil Pulling

I shared previously about how I started adding oil pulling into my daily routine of natural oral care. Oil pulling is a way to rid your mouth of bacteria and other toxins by using the natural properties of coconut oil to pull them out of your gums and crevices. This cleaning method can improve your over all gum health, decrease bad breath, and keep your teeth white. read more

10 Minute Kettle Bell Workout – Guest Post

10 Minute Kettle Bell WorkOut


10 Minute Kettle Bell Workout

Guest Post for Modern Alternative Mama


Are you a busy mom trying to get fit? I know I used to go to the gym 5 days a week before I had kids… now we don’t have a gym membership. That doesn’t mean I’ve stopped exercising though.

I love a quick workout at home where I can get my heart pumping and feel a little sore the next day.

This 10 minute workout using kettle bells is perfect for fitting in a little exercise when you are feeling pressed for time. If you have more time one day, then just do the exercise 2 times through.

I like using kettle bells because it adds enough weight for me to build a little strength and also the movements make you engage your core and abdominal muscles.

The more and more I read about great core and abdominal workouts, the less I am motivated to do traditional sit ups and crunches. If you are interested in a different way to exercise your core, you can look into more tummy safe and tummy conscious exercises from Fit2B Studios (not an affiliate, just a member).

Continue Reading Here for the 10 Minute Kettle Bell Workout 


10 minute kettle bell workout

Why You should stop running marathons 2

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