New Years is next week! I know you are already thinking about what you are wanting for 2014. Some of you make the same resolutions every year and by February they are already a thing of the past.
This year will be different. This year you will make a change and stick to it!
How? You may ask. Because We are all going to be a part of New You New Years!!!
So lets talk about what New You New Years is going to look like. Every week, a new challenge will be presented to focus on the whole week. It may be to eat one vegetable at lunch and dinner. Or maybe it could be focusing on eliminating white sugar for the week. Maybe we could even focus on adding a 20 minute walk in or another exercise each day for a week.
Every week, we will focus on one single step… and take this one bite at a time (wink, wink).
This is YOUR time! This is THE time to choose to be the person you want to be in 2014. A healthier you, a better feeling you!
Our first week’s challenge will be simple… We are going to be aware.
Awareness is the key to change a habit.
In speech therapy, when we would work with people who stutter, most of the time they wouldn’t even realize they had just stuttered in conversation. We would replay their speech, and help them identify the problem areas, then they could back and restate the phrase or sentence and fix the stutter.
I want you to be aware about your food choices you are making each day. Read ingredients. Read nutrition labels. Figure out what you are actually putting in your mouth… You really ARE what you eat.
1) So look for the number of ingredients listed, and also can you pronounce or identify every item listed.
2) How many grams of carbs and sugar are you eating in packaged items?
3) How many items have something with soy, the word hydrolyzed or hydrogenated, or corn?
Now I want you to comment or write on my facebook wall and let me know how you are doing during the week.
What foods are you surprised to see sugar in or High Fructose Corn Syrup? How many carbs are in your favorite foods? Keep me posted!