
Baked Avocado Breakfast Recipe

Good morning, breakfast enthusiasts! Today, we’re about to turn the most versatile fruit (yes, you read that right) into the star of your morning routine – avocados! Buckle up because we’re diving into the delightful realm of a baked avocado breakfast recipe. Forget what you thought you knew about this green powerhouse; we’re about to show you a whole new way to kickstart your day with creamy, baked perfection. Whether you’re a seasoned avocado lover or someone just stepping into the world of breakfast innovation, get ready for a delicious treat that will redefine your morning routine. So, grab your avocados and let’s bake up a breakfast that’s not just tasty but also packed with all the goodness avocados have to offer. Rise and shine with the joy of a baked avocado breakfast that’s as easy as it is scrumptious! read more

Why You Should Eat Butter

For many years, I thought that eating butter and extra fat was “bad” or at least unhealthy. Thankfully, I understand more about eating healthy and making better food choices. Today we are going to talk more about why you should eat butter and how it is actually good for you!

Steps to a Healthier You

I have shared easy steps you can start today towards a happier and healthier body. We have already covered drinking more water each day and cutting out the sugar. Now we are going to focus on adding something back in – healthy fats! read more