
Does Your Doctor Respect You? Part One

Does Your Doctor Respect You?

Adapted from http://www.flickr.com/photos/maunzy/5531925035/

Does Your Doctor Respect You

Doctor’s are great sources of information. They are good at decision-making when they are presented with your common health issues. They are great at emergency situations. They are vital to our communities…

What doctor’s are not good at is respecting you.

The Waiting Room

I was not very good at taking Aidalyn to her well baby check-ups. I think we made it to 2 total? Since we aren’t vaccinating the girls yet, there was really no point to expose her to more germs at the doctor’s office. read more

How to Heal Diastasis Recti

How to Heal Your Abs After Pregnancy
How to Heal Your Abs After Pregnancy

After I had my baby, I started searching for exercises to heal your abs and how to heal Diastasis Recti. These tips will show how to bring abs back together after pregnancy.

Diastasis Recti is the separation of the abdominal muscles. Most commonly occurs as a result of pregnancy.

Before I was pregnant, I had no idea how my body was going to change to bring in this little person into the world. Once she was here, I felt like I had to learn how to be me again. I found out that during pregnancy my body had developed Diastasis Recti.

Some women are just prone to this abdominal separation, but there are some factors that increase the likelihood of it occurring: read more

5 Best Gifts: Craft Kits for Toddlers

Christmas gifts, crafts, toddlers

Christmas is almost here

and everyone is making lists for toys and gifts to get their kids. Here is a list of my pick of Craft Kits that I know would be so much fun for the little toddler in your family. 

These Craft kits are also good for learning and creativity. So instead of a new toy, think about getting your toddler some art supplies or one of these all in one craft kits. I know Aidalyn loves working on crafts on a rainy day or when we are having a slow morning. 

1). Sticky Mosaics:

Craft Mosaics

You can purchase here:


These mosaic sticky crafts are great for matching shapes and colors, plus following simple directions. You end with a pretty colorful piece of art that you can hang on a wall. They are sturdy and really a great activity! Aidalyn loves these so much! 

2) Do a Dot Markers

Do A Dot Markers

Purchase here:  

I’m not sure a toddler’s art supplies can be complete without Do-A-Dot markers. They are so wonderful! Aidalyn loves the Do A Dot Art Markers and I love that she can play with them virtually mess free! We bought a coloring book to go with the markers: Tales of the Mermaid Do-a-Dot Creative Activity Book The colors are so pretty and bold. They also are labeled really well for sight word recognition. 

3) Paper Bag Puppets

Paper Bag Puppets

Purchase here:  

Creating Paper Bag animal puppets is a wonderful activity for language development and following directions. I can just see Aidalyn telling wild, imaginative stories using the paper bag puppets. So much fun to decorate and put them together, then you can play for hours after. 

4) Tissue Art

Tissue Art

Purchase here:

We bought this for Aidalyn and I think her favorite part is putting on the googly eyes. She loved the tissue art so much, I bought just a pack of tissue to play with and contact paper. 

5) Giant Busy Box Giant Busy Box

Purchase here: 

This set is much larger and has 16 activities in one box. Tons of learning opportunities. If you wanted an all in one set, this would be the way to go. It’s on sale right now (November) and seems like a great deal!

I hope the toddler in your life is ready to get creative and start exploring the little artist inside. 

banner*** This post contains affiliate links. Your price stays the same, but I get a small commission for referring you that helps me keep this site running. These are all products that we love and play with all the time. I hope you enjoy them as well. 

6 Best Trim Holiday Drinks!

Trim Healthy Mama, sugar freeHolidays are the time to share with friends and family. This year you can share how you are staying Trim and enjoying all of your Trim Holiday Drinks! 

No need to let this holiday season be an excuse for added pounds. These Holiday Drinks are the perfect solution to quench your thirst and satisfy your sweet tooth without adding to your waistband!


Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Trim Healthy Mama, Sugar Free

Gingerbread Cookie Protein Shake

Sugar Free, Trim Healthy mama

Crockpot Pumpkin Spice Latte

Trim Healthy Mama, Sugar Free

Frozen Sugar Free Eggnog

Trim Healthy Mama, Gwen's Nest

Thin Mint Chocolate Chip Milkshake

Trim healthy Mama Gwen's Nest

Sugar Free Hot Chocolate read more

5 Top Christmas Activities

christmascollageIt’s Christmas Time! This is the best time to create lasting memories for you and your kids. Here are my 5 top Christmas Activities for making this Christmas season special. 

1) Advent calendar with activities to do each day


Tip Junkie has a great idea for your family! Each day you take off an ornament and you do an activities on the back. This is our Advent Christmas Tree. I used green felt from hobby lobby and cut out the shape of a tree. Then I just used yarn, clothes pins and tape to put everything together. 


2) Go on a Christmas light tour

Richmond has a Tacky Christmas light tour and our neighborhood also has a Christmas light tour. 

3) Make homemade Christmas Ornaments and crafts

Here are some cute ideas from BHG.com for easy Ornaments you can make with your kids

Here are 38 easy ideas from Woohome.comChristmas-craft-for-kids-0

 4) Go see a local Christmas Play

We are lucky that there is a cute little outdoor church play right down the road from us. They sang Christmas Carols and served hot chocolate and cookies afterwards. It was such a treat last year. What a good reminder of the reason for the season.  read more

7 Ways to Use Cranberry Sauce

cranberriesCranberries are in season! I love cranberries for many reasons.

They are tart and add a nice flavor to turkey and dressing on Thanksgiving. They are great paired with pumpkin in muffins and breads. And they make a great No Sugar Added Cranberry Sauce!

They are also very healthy for you! read more

How to Control Gestational Diabetes Naturally

Hey there, incredible moms-to-be! Are you navigating the journey of gestational diabetes and searching for ways to manage it naturally, all while ensuring the health and well-being of you and your baby? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Gestational diabetes may seem daunting, but with the right approach, you can take control of your health and enjoy a smooth pregnancy journey. In this blog post, we’ll dive into some practical tips on how to manage gestational diabetes naturally through diet and exercise. From making mindful food choices to staying active and finding balance in your daily routine, we’re here to support you every step of the way. So, grab a cozy seat, mama-to-be, and let’s embark on this empowering journey together! read more

Trim Healthy Stir Fry – Fuel Pull

This easy stir fry recipe is low fat and low carb making it a “fuel pull” Trim Healthy Mama recipe. The Asian flavors are so delicious, you won’t even miss take out night!

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

Trim Healthy Stir Fry (Fuel Pull) Recipe

I love Chinese take out… I love Chinese food!

These do not make me a Trim Healthy Mama… But thankfully my favorite part of Chinese food is the vegetables.

What is Trim Healthy Mama?

The Trim Healthy Mama (THM) diet is a lifestyle approach to eating developed by sisters Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison. It is based on the premise of separating fuels, where meals are designed to focus on either carbohydrates or fats, but not both together, to optimize metabolism and promote weight loss. read more

Annaleigh’s 5 month Update!

IMG_3940Annaleigh is 5 months old!!!


She loves: Her sister. Snuggles with mom and dad. “Way up high in the Apple tree” song. Sitting in her swing.

What’s new: Sitting in Bumbo chair and ExerSaucer. Grabbing toys and bringing to mouth – uhoh teething on the way???


Dislikes: Long car rides. Being overtired. Mommy walking out of the room.

Working on: Rolling over more effectively. Sleeping in bed for longer periods (5-7 hours).

What we love: Her smiles and laughs.

IMG_3919 IMG_3908IMG_3924  IMG_3945

Your Love Never Fails… It’s a Girl!!!

I still can’t believe it. We found out 3 days ago and I’m still pinching myself.

We are having a girl!!!


She looked so perfect on the ultrasound. We saw her little legs kicking, her heart pumping… it all made my heart melt.

This pregnancy has been much different for me emotionally than with Aidalyn. With Aidalyn, we were just so excited about adding this mystical thing called a baby into our lives. Neither of us really had much experience with babies. We didn’t know what we were getting into, but we were thrilled! read more