Are you a fan of Matcha Green Tea? Here are 6 Ways Matcha Green Tea can help you and how you can enjoy it!

Have you heard of Matcha Green Tea?
Matcha Green Tea has grown in popularity over the past few years. Matcha Green Tea is pretty unique because it is only grown in Japan (green tea is grown outside of Japan as well). It is a traditional tea that was consumed by Monks to improve mental clarity. One Cup of Matcha Green Tea has 10 times the nutritional value of one cup of regular green tea.
Why should you Drink Matcha Green Tea?
Natural Detox
Because Matcha tea is high in chlorophyll, it is a great way to detox naturally. Natural detox is a great way to keep our liver healthy and working properly. You should always try to avoid toxins in our environment and foods, but you just can’t avoid everything. I really like a gentle daily detox to help.