
How to keep Growing in Life

How to keep growing in life

How to keep growing and to have life among the growing.

Life Among the Growing…. What does that actually mean to me?

This phrase really speaks to me deeply in several ways.

First, I think about how I want to be continually growing into a better person with each day and opportunity I get. If you aren’t moving forward, you are moving backwards. If you aren’t growing, you are dying. 

This is in my personal life as a wife and mom. In my spiritual life, I want to continually study and grow in God’s words. read more

Moss and Magnolia Jewelry Giveaway

necklace, metal necklace,  hand crafted jewelry

Moss and Magnolia Jewelry Giveaway

I have the pleasure of bringing you this beautifully crafted giveaway today from Tricia at Moss and Magnolia. Tricia is a very talented individual. She makes these beautiful pieces of jewelry from her home. Tricia lives in Louisiana where she is a mom of  three beautiful kids. She is passionate about natural parenting. She is one of the four leaders for her local La Leche chapter which supports and encourages moms who are breastfeeding.   Tricia stays busy home schooling her four kids.  She is also active and severs at her local church.  read more

6 Ways to Save Money on Valentine’s Day

6 Ways to Save Money on Valentine's DayWays to Save Money on Valentine’s Day

Here are 6 Ways to Save Money this Valentine’s Day without feeling like a cheapskate. Valentine’s Day is not one of my favorite holidays… but it is never a bad thing to recognize the ones you love and let them know in some special way. When you are trying to save money, sometimes you feel pressure to spend more than you really should. Remember that expensive gifts don’t equal more love. You will show love to your husband more by staying on budget than a fancy new watch.  read more

Homemade Bird Feeder

Your kids will love making this homemade bird feeder made with Cheerios and pipe cleaners!

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

 Easy Homemade Bird Feeder

Making bird feeders is a great winter activity for your kids. It is win-win for everyone. Your kids get to have fun making a craft, and the birds get to have some food when the pickin’s are thin in the wintertime. This is an easy homemade bird feeder to make with toddlers and preschoolers using only two items.

This activity was first shown to us when we visited our local Botanical Gardens for their light display around Christmas. They made ornaments to hang on a tree in their children’s garden using pipe cleaners and Cheerios. Aidalyn loved making the homemade bird feeder so much, I knew we would need to make them for our house. read more

Apple Night Night Magnesium Gummy Recipe

Apple Night Night Magnesium Gummies – a delightful and effective way to introduce the calming benefits of magnesium into your child's bedtime routine. These tasty gummies not only make bedtime a treat but also support the natural relaxation process, helping your children drift into a restful sleep.

Top 3 Healthy Chicken Nuggets Recipes

Chicken nuggets, homemade nuggets, mcdonalds, gluten free, paleo, recipe


3 Trim and Healthy Chicken Nugget Recipes

Chicken Nuggets are such a staple in most kid’s diets (and some adults too!). We love the taste of fried chicken in little tasty bites… But all too frequently American’s feel trapped into getting fast food Chicken Nuggets. 

We know that McDonald’s isn’t health food, but we expect to be eating only fried chicken and breading when you order their chicken nuggets. 

It can’t be too bad, right?

Natural News.com released a forensic investigation to find out what was in McDonald’s chicken nuggets. The chicken nuggets that were inspected were from a McDonald’s located in Austin. Tx.

The investigators found several items in the chicken nuggets that were not chicken or breading!

1) Dark black hair like structures

Where did these come from since chickens don’t have hair?

2)  Red Splotches

3) Spherical green object resembling algea

To see the pictures and video more closely, follow this link. 

This is just one reminder that we do not want to be eating this processed food. Chicken nuggets are far from the natural source of a chicken. 

Thankfully we don’t have to throw out the chicken nuggets with the bath water.

There is an answer.

chicken nuggets, homemade, baked, recipe

We can make our own Healthy Chicken Nuggets. Here are 3 different easy healthy recipes: 

Paleo Flaky Chicken Nuggets 


Almond Flour Chicken Nuggets Recipe – –

These almond flour chicken nuggets would be Trim Healthy Mama approved for a satisfying S meal! 


The Little Mom who Could even shares her Energizing (E meal) Oat Crusted Chicken 

So let’s leave the mystery objects at McDonald’s and enjoy our Tasty Homemade Nuggets! read more

Why You Should Eat Butter

For many years, I thought that eating butter and extra fat was “bad” or at least unhealthy. Thankfully, I understand more about eating healthy and making better food choices. Today we are going to talk more about why you should eat butter and how it is actually good for you!

Steps to a Healthier You

I have shared easy steps you can start today towards a happier and healthier body. We have already covered drinking more water each day and cutting out the sugar. Now we are going to focus on adding something back in – healthy fats! read more

4 Reasons we are Cutting out the Sugar

4 Reasons to Cut the Sugar
4 Reasons to Cut the Sugar

We are going to focus on Cutting out the Sugar! 

This is not a new idea. Lots of popular diets have come to the conclusion that our sugar is out of balance in our Modern diet and this is the cause of our expanding waistbands.

Management of your Sugar and Carbohydrates is crucial for weight loss and your general health.

We know sugar is so important to get under control.

A low glycemic diet in general is healthier than a diet focused on lots of carbs. When our system gets overloaded with too many sugar and carbs, our cells start storing extra carbs as fat in our cells.

Our cells love to store carbs, so they are very eager and ready when we over eat our carbs. If we eat a moderate or low carb diet, then we can burn those carbs before they get the chance to be stored as extra fat. read more

Story of a Stay at Home Mom

Image from http://www.kitchenmonki.com

Story of a Stay at Home Mom

If a mom pours a cup of coffee,
Then the toddler will ask for eggs.
You make her eggs and cheese, but then she decides she would rather have oatmeal and pineapple.

You decide to not fight about it because eggs sound good to you… With your coffee – that is cold now. So you put it in the microwave.

Just as you sit down with your eggs and coffee, the baby wakes up and needs to be changed and fed.

You run upstairs, change baby, come back downstairs and sit to nurse. Feeling hungry and thirsty now because nursing does that…

You put the baby in Exersaucer, put on PBS for toddler.

Sigh. Your coffee is cold. Put it back in microwave along with eggs.

Sit down with hot coffee and eggs. Eat one bite.

Toddler wants her snack… You fix an almond butter sandwich… Licking your fingers for a taste of food.

Toddler wants to play a game. ‘Let’s play tea party.’ Where she will pour you a cup of imaginary… Coffee.

Does Your Doctor Respect You? Part One

Does Your Doctor Respect You?

Adapted from http://www.flickr.com/photos/maunzy/5531925035/

Does Your Doctor Respect You

Doctor’s are great sources of information. They are good at decision-making when they are presented with your common health issues. They are great at

emergency situations read more