
Your Love Never Fails… It’s a Girl!!!

I still can’t believe it. We found out 3 days ago and I’m still pinching myself.

We are having a girl!!!


She looked so perfect on the ultrasound. We saw her little legs kicking, her heart pumping… it all made my heart melt.

This pregnancy has been much different for me emotionally than with Aidalyn. With Aidalyn, we were just so excited about adding this mystical thing called a baby into our lives. Neither of us really had much experience with babies. We didn’t know what we were getting into, but we were thrilled! read more

Simple Ways to Increase Magnesium

magnesium oil flakes pregnancy


Simple Ways to Increase Your Magnesium

Magnesium is such a critical mineral for your body. How do we increase magnesium? I am just starting to learn about magnesium deficiencies and the benefits of using magnesium oil to ease ailments. I really felt like I was very deficient once I became pregnant. Magnesium is so important for health. It helps you control your blood sugar, helps you handle stress, and helps you sleep better.

Some benefits of magnesium oil include:

Insomnia or Restless Sleep
Sleep – Wake up Tired
Back Pain
Stiff and Aching Muscles
Bones continue to go out of Alignment
Migraine Headaches
Cluster Headaches
Weakness – Hypoglycemia
High Blood Pressure
Heart Condition
Kidney Stones
Accelerated Aging
Heart Attack History
Irregular Heartbeat
Aggressive Behavior
Attention Deficit Disorder
Chronic Fatigue
Jump at Sudden Sounds
High-strung, Jittery
Muscle Weakness
Muscle Tics or Twitches
Muscle Cramps
Muscle Spasms or Quivers
Pregnancy-related Symptoms
Angina Pectoris
(Sharp Chest Pains and a feeling of being Suffocated)

Exhausted from Physical Work or Exercise
Fading Memory, Senility
Leg Cramps

This list is from MGWater.com

Magnesium is pretty vital to several of our body’s systems. 

The Bad News

Magnesium isn’t absorbed well internally through diet and pills. read more

Natural Family Planning Options

Long term use of birth control pills can be dangerous, but there are natural family planning alternatives you can use! Read more I share what we did for natural family planning and what some other options are out there to birth control pills.

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.



Is long term use of birth control dangerous?

About 2 years after Adam and I were married and after starting this health discovery process, I started doing some research on birth control pills. I was taking a pill every day to prevent pregnancy… and I just kept reading that this was not healthy for me or my hormones. read more

Swaying for a Girl – Updated

Swaying for a girl is the process of following diet, lifestyle changes, and maybe supplements around conception to push your chances more towards conceiving a girl.

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

Swaying… What does that mean?

So, I’m not sure the origins of swaying (creating certain environments to favor a specific gender outcome). But my experience with it started in 2009 when my husband and I started talking about trying to have a baby. When we swayed, we followed the “Shettles” method – I wasn’t putting too much faith into what we did: diet, supplements, sexual position, timing… read more