
What Do You Eat on Keto? Part 2: Low Carb Vegetables

What low carb vegetables do you eat on keto??? Today I’m sharing some basics about the keto diet and what a typical day may look like as you try fill up on low carb vegetables that help you eat enough fiber and vitamins.

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

Click Here for Part 1: What do you eat on Keto

Part 2: Low Carb Vegetables

If you’ve been thinking about trying the keto diet, or maybe just adopting a more low carb lifestyle, you’ve probably had mental pictures of what your plate would look like. Maybe you thought of piles and piles of bacon! I didn’t know much about Keto a few years ago and that’s what I pictured!

I’m going to break this subject down over three separate posts, podcasts, and videos and this post is covering part 2 of what you can eat on a Keto Diet. read more

How to Test if you are in Ketosis with the Keyto Breath Sensor for Ketosis & Weightloss

Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of ketosis, where your body turns into a fat-burning machine. But how do you know if you’re riding the keto wave? That’s where the magic of testing comes in! In this blog post, we’re going to unravel the secrets behind ketosis and why giving yourself a little keto check can be your secret weapon in the keto lifestyle. Think of it like having your own keto compass, guiding you through this exciting journey of burning fat for fuel. So, buckle up, we’re about to demystify ketosis and discover why testing is your trusty sidekick on the road to keto success! read more

What Do You Eat on Keto? Part 1: Healthy Fats

What do you eat on keto??? Today I’m sharing some basics about the keto diet and what a typical day may look like as you try to add in healthy fats all day long to keep you full. 

After pregnancy, nursing, and now weaning… I’m ready to feel like “myself” again! So I’m starting my own weight loss challenge to help me drop the last few pounds of “baby weight” and also just feel my best again! And I’m bringing you along for the ride if you want to join the fun : ) read more

Why am I Gaining Weight while Breastfeeding?

So many new moms end up asking themselves “Why am I Gaining Weight while Breastfeeding?” Learn why some women gain weight and tips so you can start losing.

Why am I Gaining Weight while Breastfeeding?
Why am I Gaining Weight while Breastfeeding?

Every one’s body works differently…

So you may have heard from one of your friends – “Oh the weight will just melt off if you are breastfeeding”

Or “I could eat anything and lose weight while nursing!”

But what if that’s not happening for you?

Here are Reasons You are Struggling to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding


Your body goes through crazy changes when you are pregnant and they don’t stop if you are nursing. read more

The Nursing Mamas Meal Plan for Losing Weight

The Nursing Mamas Meal Plan for Losing Weight helps you know what to eat to stay healthy and also lose weight without losing your milk supply.

It is normal to gain weight during pregnancy.

But while I was pregnant and happily (or not so happily, lol) gaining weight every week… when I would have the monthly weight in with my midwife, I was always thinking…

What’s my plan to lose all this weight after the baby comes?

It was so hard emotionally and physically to gain the weight during pregnancy. Of course I knew that it was healthy and needed to grow a healthy baby and have a healthy pregnancy… but it was not easy to see my backside, thighs, and face expand along with my belly. read more